Cuisses de Poulet – Baay Guin’s – 500 gr

2.000 CFA/Sachet

2 Cuisses de poulets Baay Guin’s en sachet de 500 gr environ.
The exact weight and the final amount will be mentioned on your invoice.

In stock


Chicken thighs and thighs are an excellent source of many essential nutrients, including iron and zinc which are important for maintaining a healthy immune system.
Our chickens are slaughtered in a slaughterhouse. In this way the chickens have the taste qualities of poultry with firm and tasty flesh.
Nos poulets sont élevés sans antibiotique cependant tous les vaccins HB1, Gumboro, et contre la bronchite infectieuse sont administrés.
Nos poussins sont des COBB 500 vaccinés au couvoir de Seric et sont nourris avec les aliments de NMA Sanders.

Additional information

Weight 1 kg